Dare to Compare
Compare OBCH benefits to our competitors!
- Mortgage Company with great Interest Rates - Give us a call
- Free Feasibility Inspection of the construction site - not offered by our competitors
- In-House Design Services
- No Charge for Foundation Footprint - not a $450 charge like our competitors
- Our Consultants are experienced builders.
- Free in-house Home Construction Building Seminars - not a credit when you sign up for their program - we offer these absolutely FREE!
- Substantial builder discounts available on labor and material - Our pre-negotiated volume discounts are passed along to our clients
- Appraisal fees are $350 to $450
- Extensive detailed cost estimates
- Free Lumber Take - offs available through independent suppliers
- Members only, password controlled website access to our extensive contractor and vendor list
- Fully accessible owner builder consultants
*offers and pricing are subject to change without notice - 2017
- 4,006 SF LIVING
- 2,000 SF of Porches and Garage
- Equity: $170,00.00
- 4,100 SF LIVING
- Average Electric Bill Per Month: $84.00
- Average Gas Bill Per Month: $22.00
- Total $106 per Month
- Click on photo below to see more photos in Gallery

TAKE A LOOK: A home tour at the Taylor Residence in Benders Landing
Check Us Out! Fox News Channel 26 interviews:
Fox News Alert! Fox featured several "Owner Builder" projects that "Owner Built Custom Homes" was helping their clients complete. The homes featured on the broadcast ranged in cost from $250,000 to $1.1 million (2011 Pricing). To view the video, press the "play" button in the lower left hand corner of the video box.
Additional Projects in the Houston Area
- Numerous Custom Homes
- 4 Geothermal HVAC Systems
- 3 Beach Homes
- 7 ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) Homes
- 2 SIPS (structural insulated panels) Homes
Free Resources
If you're interested in receiving e-mails about our upcoming seminars, building classes, open houses and home shows, please join our e-mail list. Sign up right now so you don't miss this useful resource!
Come learn about building a home the right way, and it's FREE!
Set up an appointment with one of our designers and get your plan design process started. You will pay for the design in three stages. At the completion of the design, when you begin building, you will be credited the $1.35 per square foot total covered of the plans towards your building process fee, making your custom homes plans FREE.
What We Do
Owner Built Custom Homes of Texas walks you through the process of being your own custom home builder; from site preparation through completion. We provide free custom house plans with an accompanying detailed budget, a list of screened contractors, fantastic financing and FREE Building Classes. You can be confident that quality, discounted materials are included in your new home. At Owner Built Custom Homes we take pride in being an "Owner Builder" company that will be there for you every step of the way. You can build your own home and save money utilizing our extensive network of vendors, contractors and banks.
Call us now at any of these numbers
- 281-252-6100
- 936-273-5650
Owner/Builder Financing
We also offer the Best Owner Builder Construction Financing Available. Even with the current credit challenges in the market, we can often provide Owner Builder Financing with minimal money down. CALL US at 281-252-6100.
An Owner Builder Construction Loan in Texas, based on a loan of 80 -90% of appraised value is available for 12 months at an interest rate of approximately 5% (depending on clients credit)*.
We offer Free Building Classes and Great Financing. CALL US at 281-252-6100!
*Please call for current pricing or Contact us.